The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) recently agreed to hear an important case questioning environmental law. The case, although important, was likely overshadowed by SCOTUS’s other holdings. It was a busy session, and the same week the court released this...
Month: October 2020
Will the coronavirus impact zoning in Connecticut?
The novel coronavirus pandemic has had an impact on almost every facet of life. We have changed how we shop for groceries, how we gather together with loved ones and even how we work. These changes have also led to rescheduled and postponed meetings. Although many...
Contract law during COVID-19: Are commercial leases still valid?
The current coronavirus pandemic has impacted every facet of our lives. In addition to changes in how we socialize, the pandemic has also had an impact on our finances. This has made it difficult for many to pay their bills, Are contracts still enforceable? In...
Tips to complete due diligence during the coronavirus pandemic
COVID-19 has led to stay-at-home orders and travel bans. Employers are doing their best to keep their workers safe, often adjusting to a work-from-home platform on very short notice. In this new employment landscape, those who are looking to move forward with merger...
Supreme Court expands the reach of the Clean Water Act
The Clean Water Act essentially regulates pollutants that are discharged into waters. These regulations can result in the need for businesses, developers and others to get permits in order to move forward with a project. A failure to get the permit could mean the end...
Legal remedies if a septic system fails
Septic systems allow homeowners the opportunity to live in areas that may not be served by a traditional sewer system. This can include waterfront and more rural locations. These systems must meet various regulations, including environmental compliance and local...
What does the real estate market look like for 2020?
The real estate market began as expected in 2020, but the recent coronavirus pandemic has had an impact on the first quarter. The National Association of Realtors reports a 11% drop in potential buyers and expects a 10% reduction in sales. Unfortunately, this downward...